Get Your First Paying Client in Less Than 30 Days With This Action-Packed Training!

A Simple 3 Step Method To

Get Your First Paid

Sleep Consulting Client

In 30 Days (or Less)

Without Social Media

Even if you don't have a website!

A Simple 3 Step Method To

Get Your First Paid

Sleep Consulting Client

In 30 Days (or Less)

Without Social Media

Even if you don't have a website!

Are you a pediatric sleep consultant struggling to land your first paid client?

Did you expect a line of clients ready to hire you as soon as you got certified? It's normal, we all thought that. Instead, you're met with a daunting silence, wondering why the phone isn't ringing and the inbox remains empty.

It's frustrating and overwhelming. You've poured your heart and soul into your training as a sleep consultant, but now you wonder if you're actually good enough. Seeing others succeed adds to the pressure.

Financial concerns add another layer of stress, as you feel the pressure to make money without knowing when your first paying client will arrive. Doubts creep in, and you wonder if you made the right decision to pursue this career path.

On top of that... if the thought of constantly posting, hash tagging, and engaging with your followers leaves you feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Many newly certified sleep consultants experience similiar struggles.

Likewise, the lack of clarity on how to effectively market your services without relying solely on social media can be confusing.

It's not your fault if you aren't where you want to be yet. The reality is that starting any business takes time and effort, but you don't have that luxury anymore...

It doesn't have to be this way...

Imagine this.. in less than 30 days you could..

Have your first paid sleep consulting client (yeah!)

Because you received a clear step-by-step plan to help you focus on tasks that directly bring in clients.

Know how to authentically connect with potential clients

Because you received proven scripts, techniques and strategies that are tailored to you as a Sleep Consultant.

Feel confident and empowered to go after your big dreams

Because you now have access to a private community for ongoing support and networking.

And all of this... without the overwhelm of Instagram!


Get Your First Client: A 3-Step Method for Pediatric Sleep Consultants

In this program, I’ll walk you through my simple 3-step method to get your first paid client, all without needing to post on Instagram or any other social media platform. By following my method, you’ll cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters - building genuine connections and delivering value to potential clients.

Developed by a sleep consultant and experienced entrepreneur, this course will lead you step by step to land your first paid client in just 30 days.

Let's be clear...

You don't need another expert to tell you what you do wrong...

What you need is a proven approach that delivers real results (fast!).

You need someone who helps you get your first paid sleep consulting client!

Nice to meet you!

My name is Rianna!

I'm a full-time online multi-passionate serial entrepreneur, living a nomadic lifestyle since 2011. I'm living the dream, but I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for landing my first paying client.

Yes, I have been where you are, finally getting certified, and wondering why there wasn't a queue of clients ready to work with me...

Despite building a stunning website, designing beautiful instagram posts, and writing countless blogs, still... crickets.. I felt lost, overwhelmed, exhausted and unsure what to try next.

My confidence started to disapear, and patience became a luxury I could no longer afford. I realized that what I needed wasn’t just a long-term strategy anymore, but a tangible solution to get paying clients as soon as possible.

Without clients, you don't have a business!

"It wasn't until this that I started seeing success."

I followed a fair share of programs, and courses, and it wasn't until I combined several practices and created my own 3-step method that I started seeing success.

I’ve launched multiple successful businesses using this approach, all without relying on social media. And now, I want nothing more than to share this method with you.

I’ve been where you are, and I know the challenges you face. But I also know the incredible potential that lies ahead once you take that first step towards landing your first paid client.

Give me 30 days...

I will give you all the tools and techniques you need to get your first paid client!

In the past years I've helped hundreds of sleep consultants start, launch and grow their sleep consulting business. Working closely with so many newly certified sleep consultants, has uniquely prepared me to really understand the obstacles and challenges of sleep consultants, like you. I can tell you with 90% certainty, who will fail and who will succeed.

Here's the truth: while a fancy website certainly helps, what truly matters is establishing meaningful connections. It's about building relationships that last.

Investing in this training ensures you'll have the guidance, resources, and support needed to get your first paid client as soon as possible!

See how I've helped fellow sleep consultants start, launch, and grow their sleep consulting business.

Hi Rianna, I applied your advice and got my first client even before my business was set up. Thank you again for this great content!

Alexandra S.

Certified since January 2024

Amazing advice! Booked two clients this week and the biggest hurdle was only my own imposter syndrome!

Sophie L

Certified since March 2024

You are amazing!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Christine M.

Certified since February 2024

I LOVED this, thank you so much for helping us out, Rianna!

Jolene K.

Certified since November 2023

Thank you!! I was feeling like giving up, but glad you came up in my feed.

Karen P.

Certified since January 2024

It was fantastic! Thanks Rianna Hijlkema!

Laura J.

Certified since December 2023

Are you ready for your first paid client?

You’ll gain access to invaluable insights and actionable techniques that will set you on the path to securing your first paid client, without the need for Instagram. This is your ticket to landing that first paying client.

Today for 27 USD

One Time Payment

You'll get instant access to:

  • Step-by-step instructional videos outlining the 3-phase method to get your first client
  • A clear roadmap, telling you what actions to take today, tomorrow, and beyond
  • Including all the scripts that you need

This is for you if...

  • you are a certified sleep consultant eager to land your first paying client
  • you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable with the idea of using Instagram for getting clients
  • you are looking for a simple, proven method to jumpstart your sleep consulting business, without the need to post every day on social media

This is not for you if...

  • you are an established consultant with already a steady stream of clients
  • you are looking for a quick fix or overnight success without putting in the necessary effort and dedication
  • you want to learn how to get clients from social media (drop me a message and I redirect you to a social media expert for sleep consultants)

Wait, there is more..!

Bonus #1

The Sleep Consultant Business Booster™

Exclusive access to my private community of pediatric sleep consultants for ongoing support and networking.

Bonus #2

The Sleep Consultant Business Blueprint

A step-by-step roadmap to launch and grow your sleep consulting business so you won't skip any of the necessary steps.

You know what?

If you don't have your first paid client within 30 days, I'll give you your money back!

I’m so confident in the effectiveness of this course that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your results after 30 days, simply send me an email for a full refund.

Got questions? I’ve got answers.

Why just $27?

You might be wondering why I’m offering such valuable information for just $27. The truth is, I believe in making quality education accessible to everyone. I know firsthand the struggles that new sleep consultants face, and I want to empower you to succeed without breaking the bank.

I am newly certified and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

Yes, this works especially well for newly certified sleep consultants.

I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

No, this is very beginner friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software.

I don't have a website yet. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely! I'm here to tell you that in the beginning, your website isn't your top priority. What truly matters is building your skills, and attracting your first paying clients. Once you've secured your first clients and generated revenue, you can invest in these aspects of your business.

I don't have an audience or email list yet. Is that a problem?

No, this is exactly the thing that this course will help you with. You will get the tools and strategies you need to build your list of potential clients.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the course each week?

This course is designed to be flexible and accommodating to your schedule. Each module is structured to be concise and actionable, allowing you to progress at your own pace. Each lesson will only take a few minutes to watch, ensuring that you can quickly grasp the core concepts and strategies, without any unnecessary distractions. However, it's the assignments that will truly drive your progress and lead to tangible results.

You have the flexibility to set your own level of commitment for these asignments, whether it's dedicating 5 hours, 10 hours or 15 hours a week. The more time you invest in completing the assignments and implementing the techniques taught in the course, the faster you'll see results and get your first paid client.

How long will it take to see results?

While individual results may vary, many participants have successfully landed their first paid client within 30 days of implementing the strategies outlined in this course. Success ultimately depends on your willingness to implement the strategies taught in the course and take consistent action. Trust the process, stay committed, and you'll be well on your way to securing your first paid client as a pediatric sleep consultant.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, I’m so confident in the effectiveness of this course that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your results within 30 days of enrolment, simply send an email for a full refund.

On the fence?

Not sure if this is for you?

I understand that investing in yourself and your business can feel scary. However, I'm here to support you every step of the way. I encourage you to take a leap of faith and enroll in this course to discover the 3-step method to get your first client. Remember, the only way to achieve your goals is to take action, and I'm here to guide you toward success.

©Sleep Consultant Design 2024